Heart-pounding Historical Fiction

Genre: German Wives

The Berlin Wife’s Vow [German Wives Book 4]

She kneels by her husband, his face contorted with pain. “You must get yourself to safety,” he tells her. She grips his hand tighter as a tear tracks down her […]

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The Berlin Wife’s Resistance [German Wives Book 3]

The soldier looks her dead in the eye, his weapon raised. “You must leave now,” he warns. But this is her last chance to save her husband, and she won’t […]

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The Berlin Wife’s Choice [German Wives Book 2]

“I love you more than life itself. But you’re not safe. If you weren’t married to me, you wouldn’t suffer like this, terrorized by the yellow star on my chest. […]

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The Berlin Wife [German Wives Book 1]

Germany, 1930s: Edith holds the letter in a trembling hand, her eyes fixed on the eagle carrying the terrifying symbol in its claws. The summons from the Gestapo is everything she […]

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